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Major Lake Toba Event
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Join : 14 Apr 2008
Total Posting : 6
Posted : 01 Nov 2008

Birdlife around a full Lake Toba in full swing


1. Lake Toba is full


Today, at the end of the dry season Lake Toba is almost full, so when you want to see more of Lake Toba than any other tourist has seen, this is the time to come to Lake Toba. It is of course a Contradictio in Terminus that Lake Toba is full at the end of the dry season. But what is a contradictio in terminus in this age of climate change ?. When is Lake Toba full ?. In my opinion Lake Toba is more or less full when the harbour in Tiga Raja, the place where you board the ferry to Tuk Tuk in Parapat, is flooded. Not just a few centimeters but halfway up to your knees.


2. How come Lake Toba is full ?


Don’t you ask me, I did not do it and normally I am not pissing in it. So, let’s look at what we know. Just a year ago the water level of Lake Toba was exactly one meter below the current water level. How do I know, I just happened to measure it. How much water is that?. Let’s take the surface area of Lake Toba as given in the introduction of this website as 1265 km 2 . So with 1 m rise in water level we are talking of 1.26 km 3 more water. I leave it to you to figure out how many liters we are talking and after that think in terms of bottles of beer which come in 0.6 liter bottles in Tuk Tuk. For sure we could organize a first class piss-up with that.


Reportedly, the rainy season in Tuk Tuk starts the first of November and lasts till the 30 th of April. Consequently, the dry season starts the first of May and ends October 31. Now let’s look at some data. Total rainfall in Tuk Tuk from November 1, 2007 till April 30, 2008 was 1007 mm and from May 1, 2008, till October 31, 2008 exactly 1047 mm. How do I know, I just happened to measure it. So much for the wet season and the dry season, especially when you think of February 2008, in the wet season, with 63 mm and of August 2008, in the dry season, with 469 mm. Of course you can argue that what has been measured in Tuk Tuk is not representative for Samosir, Tomok, Ambarita, Simanindo, Parapat, Balige, Porsea, Pangururan or Barastagi. Please provide me the data  you have measured on a day to day basis in one of these places or any other relevant place and we can start doing some correlation exercises.


So my simple question is: if we have a downpour of 1007 mm in the wet season and of 1045 mm in the dry season, which adds up to 2 m, why is the water level rise in Lake Toba only 1 m ?. Any help in this regard will be appreciated.


3. The fucking bird season


As I said before, why would you come to enjoy the birdlife around Lake Toba if you don’t know the difference between a duck and a dove. For those amongst you who still like to watch strange and unknown birds, now from the first of November to the end of December is the time to come to Tuk Tuk, Lake Toba. I am writing this on the first of November having now for three days observed that the bird fucking season is on. Whether it is a migrating, a singing, a swimming, a walking, a crawling, a creeping, a sitting or a flying bird, it’s fucking all over the place and this season will last for about three weeks, depending on which bird is fucking his or his friends mate. Birds which come as chickens, domesticated ducks and turkey’s and any other strange ducks are excluded from the afore. Of course the real bird watchers know that birds don’t fuck as usual but have their own ways, so maybe I should have said it’s the start of the bird mating season.


Of course it can be interesting to check why these birds are starting just about today. The answer is quite simple. The stupid birds have not yet been informed on the climate change and as such still think that the rainy season is about to start tomorrow. The bird trick is to do the mating in the first weeks of November. It than takes about 3 to 4 days before the eggs are being put in place, sometimes also referred to as nest,  and after 19 to 21 days the little ones are breaking the eggs. Just before that the rains start and ‘the worms’ come out, so the bird expectation is that there will be a lot to eat for the youngsters and every body will live long and happily there after.


For me, I am still trying to figure out how these bloody birds know that today is about the first of November. Any help in this will also be appreciated.


Therefore, come and join the fun in Tuk Tuk, also strange birds are welcome, as with the birds we are celebrating the beginning of a new generation of birds which hopefully will be around for some time to lure professional bird watchers and ornithologists to Tuk Tuk to categorize them properly and give them their good names.


Join : 11 Nov 2008
Total Posting 3
Posted : 11 Nov 2008
jago do anglaish mu tulang ate ?
Hebat juga org batak yang satu ini.
Selamat lah !


king of Panglatu
Join : 14 Apr 2008
Total Posting 6
Posted : 17 Nov 2008
Horas Tulang, au do martulang ..ala saragi do pangittubu i.. Ai ise do tulang nueang sian Tomok, pemakaian b.inggris di website ini tdk lah sempurna, yg penting informasi yg kita mau sampaikan bisa di mengerti.

Join : 11 Feb 2009
Total Posting 2
Posted : 11 Feb 2009
Horas ma ditulang niba..!

Legend of Toba Lake - Once upon a time, lived a young orphan farmer in the northern part of the Sumatran Island. This area was very dry. The young man lived from farming and fishing. One day he went fishing, he already fishing for half of the day but still not getting any fish yet. So he returned home for the day turns to night, but when he nearly left he saw a big beautiful golden fish, he then caught the fish and brought it home. He intended to cook the fish right away but watched the beauty of this fish he then cancelled his intention. He chose to keep it as pet, and then he placed it in a big pond and feed it. On the next day, like usual, he went to his farm, and on the noon he comeback home, to have lunch. But when he arrived in his house he was very startled for the meal had prepared to be eaten. He then fears that the fish might be stolen, and then hastily he ran to the back of his house.

However, the fish was still in place, for a long time he thinks, “Who cooks those meals”, but because his is very hungry, he ate those meals. But this incident continued to occur again repeatedly, every time he came home for lunch, the meals are prepared on the table. Then one day this young man made a strategy to find out who cooks those meals, the next day he then began to commence his strategy, he then hide around the trees close to his house. He was waiting for a long time, but the smoke in his kitchen still has not been seen, and when he then intended to return home, he began to see the smoke in the kitchen.

"Hey woman, who are you, and where are you came from?” the woman began to drop tears, and then the young man saw his fish was no longer in the pond. He asked the woman, “hey woman, where is the fish in that pond?” the Woman cried intensely, but this young man continued to ask and finally the woman answers, “I was the fish that was caught by you”. The young man then startled, but because he felt that he had hurt the feelings this woman, then he said, “Hey woman, did you want to become my wife??” the Woman then startled, he stay quiet, then the young man said “Why are you silent??” Then the woman said, “I wanted to become your wife. But with one condition.” ”What is the condition?” the young man quickly asked, the woman then said, “In the future if our child was born and grew, never even once you said that he/she was nakni Dekke (child of a fish) ”. The young man then agreed to that condition and swore he will never say it.

Then they were married and granted a child. When the child was 6 years old, this child turn to be very naughty. Then one day the mother told her child to deliver meals to his father field, the child then went to deliver rice to his father. But in the middle of the trip, this child was felt hungry, then the child opened food package for his father, and ate the food. After finished eating, the child then wrapped it back and continued the trip to his father's field. On arrival the child gave the food package to the father, the father was very happy, the father then sat and immediately opened the food package that was sent by his wife to be carried by his child. But he was very startled when he opened the package there is only bones remained. The father then asked his child “Hay my child, why there are only bones left in this package??” And the child answers,” In my trip I felt hungry, so I ate the food.” Listened to that the father was very angry, he then slap his child nd said, "Botul maho anakni dekke (Why you child of a fish),". The child is then ran home crying and ask to his mother “Mak, Olo do na in dokkon amangi, botul do au anakni dekke? (Mother, is it true what father said, that I am a child from a fish?) ” Heard his child's words his mother was startled. While dropping tears and saying in her heart, “My husband has violated his swore, and now I must return to my place.” Then the sky was suddenly become dark followed with lightning, thunder, storm, and rain. The child and the mother disappeared, from their footprint emerged a spring that flowed water as swiftly as possible. Until this area was turned into a lake, that was named as “Tuba Lake” the lake without mercy, but because of the bataks was difficult to say “Tuba”, then this lake was mentioned as Toba.



Tio sian Bali

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